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A Brief History:


The A:shiwi Tribal College and Career Readiness Center, formerly the University of New Mexico Gallup-Zuni Campus was established by the Zuni Tribe in 2016.


This action came about when the tribe was informed by the CEO of the University of New Mexico-Gallup Branch that a decision had been made that UNM Gallup Branch would either close or drastically cut services to Zuni Pueblo. The Tribal Council decided to take over operations and establish agreements with the University to continue higher learning services to the community so Zuni students would not be penalized or delayed in their degree programs.


In order to meet deadlines and maintain continuity, Hayes Lewis was hired as the Executive Director to stabilize the operations, maintain services, negotiate with UNM to return the land, facilities, educational infrastructure and develop plans to expand and continue services. The facility, land and educational infrastructure was transferred to the tribe at a cost of $2.00.


The long-term goal of the tribe is to establish an accredited tribal college for the Pueblo and to meet the higher education needs of the surrounding communities.


At the present, the leadership of the A:shiwi Tribal College & Career Readiness Center has been working to establish partnerships with other colleges and universities, work on accreditation plans, develop expansion plans of higher education services and to create exemplary culturally responsive academic and career opportunities using inter-disciplinary and social impact strategies to strengthen individuals and community.


The tribe intends to couple strong academic programming with cultural knowledge to strengthen individual competence, enhance self-reliance, strengthen professional educators, promote job training & work, and enhance the economic & social entrepreneurship opportunities for Zuni community members.



Hayes A. Lewis, Executive Director                           

Dr. Reynelle Lowsayatee, Director of Academics & Applied Indigenous Studies

Belinda Tsabetsaye, Zuni Language Coordinator

Stacy Panteah, Executive Assistant

Shanna Penketewa, Data Support Technician

Kobe Natachu (They/Them/Theirs), Student Services Director

Laura Leekela, Student Services Assistant

Esther Barela, ECE Coordinator

Elvis Panteah, IT Specialist

Tyrell Westika, Coordinator Creative Arts & Entrepreneurship Project

Vanessa Yewselew, Receptionist

Channing Enque, Facility Maintenance Gardener


All courses delivered at the A:shiwi Campus are accredited through a cooperative agreement with Navajo Technical University and with other partner colleges and universities.


The A:shiwi Campus offers on-line courses, face to face instruction, Dual Credit courses for qualified high school students, workshops and trainings based on surveyed needs.

A:shiwi Core Values

  1. Hon ansammo le’na a:dek’yanna — We will live accordingly

  2. Hon i:yayyulashshik’yana:wa — We will respect one another

  3. Hon ko’hol lewuna:wediyahnan, wan hon i:tse’manna — We will think before we act and consider the consequences.

  4. Hon i:yansatduna:wa — We will help one another

  5. Hon i:yanbeye:na:wa — We will give advice and counsel one another

  6. Hon i:yayyumola a:dek’yanna — We will be honest and trust one another

  7. Hon i:wichemana:wa — We will love one another

  8. Hon dewulashshi’ iwillaba’ a:dek’yanna — We will be kind and generous to one another

  9. Hon i:yanhadiya:na:wa, hon i:yayyu’hadiyahk’yana:wa — We will listen and pay attention to one another

  10. Hon delanko’ha:willi:wa — Be empathetic to one another

  11. Ihadiya:wa — Listen

  12. Don dehwan illaba — It is your turn

  13. Hom dehwan ukna:we — It is my turn

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A:shiwi Tribal College 

Creating the life of your dreams

For more information
call 505-782-6010

67 Route 301 North
Zuni NM 87327


A:shiwi Tribal College operates as an accredited Instructional site of Navajo Technical University (NTU), a Tribal University located in New Mexico accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and provides all students with quality education, culturally supportive services, access to federal financial aid programs, and transferable course credits. 

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