Zuni Engaging Teachers And Community

The A:shiwi College & Career Readiness Center is an initiative of the Pueblo of Zuni. This entity serves as the higher education center for the Zuni community and was the designated implementation site for the Sub-Award grant. The Sub-Award was initially assigned to the Zuni Public School District. However, when the district Board of education declined to support the program and sign the authorization to continue the program, the Sub-Award was transferred to the Pueblo of Zuni with the consent of the Zuni Public School District administration and the Pueblo of Zuni. The Pueblo agreed to implement the grant as approved and coordinated documentation and approvals with the University of New Mexico. The project was officially transferred from the Zuni district as authorized by tribal Resolution No. M70-2017-P042 dated April 12, 2017.
The purpose of the Sub-Award is to support the Zuni Empowering Teachers and Community project which provides educational support and career awareness to community members desiring to earn an AA, BA or advanced degree with licensure in teaching or college education related field. In addition, the program provides topics to Zuni and community teachers to strengthen their understanding of educational needs and teaching. The grant provides supplemental tuition and fees, course-related texts and materials, supports Zuni Language usage and teaching, resource materials, incentives, career advisement and professional improvement workshops for K-12 teachers, educational assistants, and community members desiring to obtain teaching credentials or other college degrees.
ZETAC Scholarship
The ZETAC program assists students who are pursuing their degrees with a supplemental scholarship contingent upon whether the student meets the guideline criteria. The deadlines to submit an application are as follows:
Spring Semester - Application due December 1
Summer Semester - Application due May 1
Fall Semester - Application due July 15
This is a supplemental scholarship to help cover the costs of tuition, fees, and transportation.

Individuals who are applying for the ZETAC scholarship for the first time, must also complete the ZETAC Participant Application.
Scholarship applications must include the following supporting documents:
Semester Class Schedule
Grades from previous semester
New applicants must submit a copy of their degree plan
For more information or assistance contact,

Stacy Panteah
Acting Co-Executive Director
Phone: (505) 404-9861
Email: stacy.panteah@ashiwi.org